Drug Detox Centers

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Drug Detox Centers

Substance addiction affects millions of people across the nation. Not only does it affect the individuals suffering from this disease, but it also impacts families and communities. Despite the fact that millions of people are suffering from a substance abuse disorder, only a fraction of these individuals are getting the help they need at drug detox centers. Substance addiction is a condition that is chronic and often progressive. That means it is likely to worsen without treatment. Today's drug detox centers offer multiple treatments and therapies designed to target this disease. With treatment, substance addiction can be managed successfully.

Substance Addiction and Overdose

Since the beginning of this century, overdose rates have risen sharply. The dramatic increase is associated with rising addiction rates to drugs like heroin and prescription painkillers. Overdose is invariably accidental; this means that individuals don't know that their use of an addictive substance is going to trigger an overdose episode. Overdosing on these powerful drugs can lead to death, particularly if emergency medical care is not contacted immediately. The best way to prevent overdose is not to abuse the drugs that cause them. Addiction treatment is the key to ending a pattern of abuse and dependency.

Substance Addiction and Mental Health

Roughly one-third of addiction sufferers also suffer from a mental health disease. Substance addiction and mental illness are separate conditions, but they do impact one another. Moreover, the presence of one can pave the way to the development of the other. According to medical researchers, substance addiction alters the chemistry of the brain. This alteration can be permanent. When a person develops a substance addiction, they also developmental and behavioral dependencies that play powerful roles in their disease progression.

Addiction sufferers experience a profound compulsion to use in addition to the physical cravings they have to use the substance in question. They feel this compulsion to use even though they understand that their abuse is detrimental to their health and other aspects of their lives. Without treatment, individuals who continue to abuse drugs or alcohol may suffer from mental disturbances that include depression, anxiety, and even psychosis.

Substance Addiction and Physical Health

Substance addiction dramatically affects an individual's physical health. Substances like alcohol, painkillers, opiates, and meth can powerfully impact a person's body. This impact may be felt after a period of time or after a single acute abuse episode. Common physical impacts of substance addiction include organ damage, the development of cirrhosis, organ failure, the development of certain cancers, respiratory problems, cardiovascular problems, and more.

Individuals abusing drugs or alcohol also experience an impact on their immune system. Substance addiction can reduce the immune system's ability to effectively ward off disease. Additionally, many addiction sufferers engage in high-risk behaviors that can leave them more vulnerable to infections such as hepatitis, tuberculosis, and HIV.

Am I Addicted?

Many people who suffer from addiction may fail to recognize the severity of their condition. They may mistakenly believe that they can control their use. They may not be aware that overdose rates suggest that nothing could be further from the truth; people with substance addiction do not "control" their disease. It controls them. By getting into an addiction treatment center, they can learn to effectively manage the various aspects of this debilitating condition. If you or a loved one are unsure whether they have a substance abuse problem or addiction, consider the following signs and symptoms:

Reduced interest in formerly enjoyed activities Feeling withdrawn and increasingly secretive about drinking or drug use Spending less time with family and friends Spending more time with people who abuse drugs or alcohol Failing to meet family, work, or school obligations Experience financial difficulties in association with drug or alcohol use Feeling like you need a supply of a powerful substance Experiencing strong cravings to drink or use drugs Using an excessive amount of a substance Abusing a substance even when you think you won Saying you'll stop using and failing Experiencing withdrawal symptoms if you don't use the substance in question

If you experience these signs or symptoms, it's important to be evaluated at a drug detox center. These centers can help you understand the nature of your illness and design a treatment regimen that's personalized for you.

What Is a Drug Detox Center?

A drug detox center may go by an alternative name such as an addiction rehab or addiction treatment center. In essence, these facilities are designed specifically to help people suffering from substance addiction. The best facilities have medical credentials; for instance, they will be staffed by licensed and certified therapists and medically trained support staff. Medical doctors, psychiatrists, and psychologists may also be associated with any one facility in question. Drug detox centers are staffed by addiction specialists who are trained in addiction medicine and evidence-based therapies designed to help people manage substance addiction. Some addiction rehabs are located in hospitals. Others might be a stand-alone facility. Our service can help you locate a drug detox center that suits your individual needs.

What Happens during Addiction Treatment?

When a person enters rehab, they will be evaluated so that addiction specialists can develop a treatment plan. Blood and urine tests are typically required so that healthcare providers know exactly substances are in the individual's blood. This may help them determine what medications to offer or avoid. Many people who enter rehab may also have another condition that requires attention such as a dual diagnosis. Once a health assessment is complete, the individual can begin other therapies designed to target aspects of their illness.

Medical Detoxification

The first step in the treatment process is usually medical detox. Medical detox is the process by which the person becomes "clean" of the substance they are physically dependent on. This treatment only targets the physical side of addiction. It's not enough to help the individual manage their addiction, but it is an essential part of the treatment process.

During detox, people will experience withdrawal symptoms. Some may be associated with the type of substance in question. For instance, withdrawing from alcohol can trigger tremors or delirium tremens. There are also some common withdrawal symptoms that people may experience like headache, nausea, vomiting, chills, anxiety, and insomnia. Although these symptoms may be mild, they can also become extremely severe and debilitating. During medical detox, caregivers can provide medications that dramatically reduce the intensity of these symptoms, which is important as severe symptoms can trigger health emergencies. This is why it's never safe to detox alone.

The drug detox center is medically equipped to care for individuals who are being weaned off of an addictive substance. Their goal is to make people as comfortable as possible as their bodies are weaned from the addictive substance. Medical detox may last as short as three days or it may require several weeks of care.

What Comes after Medical Detox?

Medical detox is the first step in the addiction treatment process. While detox targets the physical component of addiction, treatments like cognitive behavioral therapy target the mental and psychological side of addiction. After detox, the individual can begin individual and group counseling. These sessions allow them to explore the powerful triggers that led them to abuse drugs or alcohol. Some people may have begun using drugs or alcohol in their teens and their use patterns escalated to the point of addiction. Some people may have turned to drugs or alcohol to cope with negative emotions like anger or sadness. By learning to cope with the triggers that led them to abuse drugs or alcohol, they can better manage them and, ultimately, prevent relapse.

Relapse Prevention

The main goal of addiction treatment is, of course, to prevent relapse. Even with treatment, relapse is a threat. Drugs such as heroin and meth are associated with high relapse rates because they are so powerfully addictive. During treatment, individuals will learn the stages of relapse so they can, ideally, ward them off before actually using an addictive substance again. Therapists will help individuals develop strategies for coping with their triggers so that they can successfully maintain their recovery journey.

Support for Addiction Recovery

Many of today's drug detox centers also offer a holistic treatment program and alternative addiction treatments. Holistic programs target the whole person and not just their addiction. Good nutrition, exercise, and other activities can support the entire person, giving them a strong platform for transforming their life. Alternative addiction treatments include programs like restorative yoga, equine therapy, and art therapy. These programs can complement a tradition treatment regimen. Alternative addiction treatments can support the recovery process in their own unique ways. If you are interested in a certain type of addiction treatment or therapy, our service can help you find addiction treatment centers where it is offered.

If you have an addiction to alcohol, an illegal drug, or a prescription drug, you should know that your condition is likely to worsen, not improve, without treatment. There are luxury and affordable addiction rehabs around the country today. Don't wait to get the vital help you need today.

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Drug Addiction
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