Treatment For Cocaine Addiction

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Treatment For Cocaine Addiction

Learn about the methods of treatment for cocaine addiction that are effective long-term.

There is no singular method of treatment for cocaine addiction that stands successfully on its own long-term. Rather, cocaine addiction treatment is most effective when different methods are used in conjunction with one another to address all of the factors that have contributed to an individual's addiction. There are medications as well as behavioral therapies that are used in cocaine addiction treatment.

According to, cocaine addiction is a complex disease, with physical, mental, social, environmental, and familial components. Residential and outpatient programs are available for the treatment of cocaine addiction that include a focus on abstinence as well as treatment methods that are specifically designed to address each patient's needs.

When do you need treatment for cocaine?

How do you know when your cocaine use has become an addiction? When do you need treatment for cocaine abuse? Here are some red flags that indicate when you should seek cocaine addiction treatment:

* You experience strong urges/cravings to use cocaine.

* You are unable to cut down on your cocaine use or stop using completely, even after repeated attempts.

* You continue to use cocaine in spite of the negative consequences it has brought to your relationships or career.

* You have developed a tolerance and need to use more cocaine to get the same effect that you once achieved with smaller amounts.

* You spend a lot of time using cocaine or trying to obtain cocaine.

* You disappear for days at a time with no explanation to anyone.

* You have become isolated from others as a result of your cocaine use.

* You experience periods of elation followed by insomnia or trouble sleeping, followed by extreme exhaustion, followed by irritability or depression. Your moods are unstable and unpredictable.

* You experience physical side effects brought on by cocaine use, such as frequent nosebleeds, a constant runny nose, mouth sores, or needle track marks on your arms, legs, or other injection sites.

When do you need treatment for cocaine? In addition to the symptoms mentioned above, you need to recognize the downward spiral your life has taken as a result of your cocaine abuse and not allow your ability to reason to be clouded by denial. Treatment for cocaine addiction begins with an individual's ability to recognize that a problem exists. Making the commitment to get clean is the first step toward recovery.

How is cocaine addiction treated?

Residential treatment program facilities work to provide treatment for cocaine addiction that covers all facets of addiction. Treatment generally lasts for several weeks for up to a year. Subsections of residential treatment include support groups, vocational rehab, and behavioral therapy.

According to The National Institute on Drug Abuse, both inpatient and outpatient treatment programs have been successful in integrating pharmacological approaches and behavioral interventions when providing cocaine addiction treatment. How is cocaine addiction treated with medications?

Psychiatric medications that include antidepressants and antipsychotics have been used to treat depressive disorders that can be brought on by cocaine abuse, as cocaine use can affect the part of the brain that is responsible for mood regulation. Studies have shown that the use of antipsychotic drugs have been effective in helping individuals cease use and overcome cravings.

Treatment for Cocaine Addiction

How is cocaine addiction treated through therapeutic behavioral methods? Psychosocial interventions that have proven to be effective in treating cocaine addiction include:

* Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

* Motivational interviewing (MI)

* Contingency Management (CM)

These behavioral interventions include measures that are used to inspire motivation in patients and encourage engagement in treatment. They also include reward systems for patients that adhere to treatment objectives, therapy in group settings, and methods that challenge negative thinking patterns which have been found to encourage negative behaviors and habits. While there is no singular successful method for the treatment of cocaine addiction, integration of a variety of effective methods is key in successful long-term sobriety.

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