Telltale Signs Of Cocaine Abuse

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Telltale Signs Of Cocaine Abuse

Learn how to recognize cocaine addiction signs and typical indicators of cocaine use.

Cocaine addiction signs include changes in mood, behavior, and functioning. Rapid shifts in mood can occur, with feelings of elation being experienced one minute, followed by severe depression the next. Excessive anger, suicidal, or even homicidal thoughts are also telltale signs of cocaine abuse. Other cocaine addiction signs include changes in personality and functioning. Someone exhibiting signs of cocaine use like the ones listed here may also demonstrate the following signs as well:

* They have been observed often manipulating others.

* They have suddenly acquired a new group of "friends".

* They have been caught stealing or lying.

* They appear to have no motivation to do anything.

* They are failing to follow through with work, school or family obligations.

* They have started to isolate and withdraw from loved ones.

Telltale Signs of Cocaine Abuse

There are telltale signs of cocaine abuse that are easy to recognize even for someone who is not familiar with cocaine use at all. If you want to know how to tell if someone did coke, look for these signs:

* Signs of cocaine use in someone who is a regular user include sudden weight loss at an alarming rate.

* One way how to tell if someone did coke just recently is if the person appears to be full of energy and can go for long periods of time without sleep, or if the person sleeps at odd hours.

* Another indicator of cocaine abuse includes an individual's change in social habits. Adopting a new circle of friends that the individual would not normally spend time with is definitely one of the telltale signs of cocaine abuse.

* Signs of cocaine use that may be observed include the individual being in constant need of money. Cocaine is an expensive drug. When users become desperate for cash to buy cocaine, they may begin to steal from others to support their addiction.

Signs of Cocaine Withdrawals

Cocaine addiction signs also include withdrawal symptoms. When someone is withdrawing from cocaine, the cravings to do cocaine become very powerful and intense. However, the "high" once achieved from doing cocaine becomes much different and less pleasurable with long-term use.

Ongoing cocaine abuse can produce side effects such as feelings of suspicion or unwarranted fear. These feelings may replace the euphoric feelings that cocaine once provided. However, the intense craving to do cocaine will most likely remain even after the "high" loses its luster. These symptoms are telltale signs of cocaine abuse. For someone going through withdrawal from cocaine, the following symptoms may occur:

* Agitation or restlessness

* Depressed mood

* Fatigue

* Slow in movement and activity

* Increased appetite

* General feeling of discomfort

Withdrawing and Getting Help

Cravings and depression may last for months after an individual stops a habit where there was heavy use over a long period of time. While suicidal thoughts may occur during the withdrawal process, withdrawal from cocaine is usually more stable than withdrawal from other substances, such as alcohol. Symptoms usually disappear over time.

There are medications available to manage withdrawal symptoms that are helpful. However, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, at least half of all people addicted to cocaine also have other underlying medical conditions, such as a mental disorder. While cocaine addiction signs may be easy to spot, cocaine addiction is difficult to treat. However, treatment programs that are able to identify and treat each of the patient's issues generally yield the greatest success rates.

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